
“Recognizing the past and looking forward to the future with a sense of purpose and commitment.”

This as students, faculty members, non-teaching personnel, and alumni of 㽶Ƶ۰ State University (CvSU) – College of Economics, 㽶Ƶ۰, and Development Studies (CEMDS) come together to celebrate their 25th Founding Anniversary on December 6-8.

With the theme “CEMDS Shines @ 25,” the foundation week aimed to celebrate the history, milestones, and accomplishments of the college since its inception; and engage all members of the CEMDS community towards the fulfillment of the organization’s mission, values, and goals. 

The celebration kicked off with the Color Fun Run, Zumba, and Chant 2023; Socio-cultural and Arts Competition; launching of the Marketing Exhibit; CEMDS Students’ Excellence Award; and Faculty Night.

Day two highlighted the CEMDS Forum themed “Development Goals and Volunteerism” and the college’s Festival King and Queen 2023.

Bringing back the good old days, the Kabalyeros reunited for the 1st CEMDS Alumni Homecoming to cap off the College Foundation Week festivities. (Photo courtesy of CEMDS)